We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. This includes a strong focus on Gender equity, Mental Health, Disability, LGBTI+ Inclusion and Culturally and Linguistically (inclusive of ethnically diverse) people in our workplace and in the student experience, student profile and broader University community. Our strategy is underpinned by the University of Melbourne’s Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy (MPF1328) and the University of Bonn equivalents (Equal Opportunity Bonn, Diversity). These resources also outline the expected behaviours of our students and academic and professional staff.

The program regularly hosts symposia and workshops about gender equity and for example, to promote different career opportunities for IRENE, as well as providing access to a range of family-friendly supportive measures including different funding schemes post maternity leave (‘start up’ or ‘re-entry grants’), access to day care facilities, administrative support services, ad-hoc nanny services for researchers, financial aid towards the costs of childcare services and a parent-child room for researchers in Bonn, Germany.