Additional DFG funding approved to establish a new research project between Prof Tobias Bald (Bonn) and Prof Marco Herold (Melbourne)

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funding of an additional 15th PhD project within our Bonn and Melbourne Research and Graduate School.

The new project will be led by Prof Tobias Bald, who recently was recruited to Bonn from Brisbane, Australia, and Prof Marco Herold from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical research (WEHI) in Melbourne. Both PIs will join this international research training group (IRTG2168) with a joint PhD project between both locations for the third student cohort. The project focuses on understanding the role of CD155-CD226 interactions for T cell functionality in cancer and the identification of novel targets for the treatment of cancer. Prof Bald and Prof Herold extend existing collaborative successes between both locations by adding valuable expertise in cutting-edge technologies such as genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens and imaging technologies to visualize T cells – APCs interactions using ImageStream system and confocal microscopy.